Excaliber will be found and used in End Time

                 ( My postings from From https://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message5147104/pg1 )

   I suggest that we, through our 2 WITNESSES get Excalibur back, simply because we need it in fighting the A.C. forces. We have fled Jerusalem after the A.C. (Surkov) has taken over and have to fight off the evil ones, even via hand to hand fighting with weapons. Modern guns, bombs etc. will no longer work after an EMP has messed up the Earth's electrical field, so swords will again be used. But of course, Excalibur is much more than a physical weapon, but a spiritual force, and blessing that the Lord of Lords is with us. And that our End Time King Arthur, also called King David, is the rightful heir of the throne of King David of Old. 


     I mean our Christian 144,000 have obtained the Grail (or platter, or vessel) to feed us in the wilderness, so why would we not also obtain Excalibur. We need the sword and the platter to serve the Lord til the end. Its not for treasure seekers or for the use by the evil ones, but us, as spiritual and physical real objects.... for whom does the Grail serve. It serves the Lords people !I biblically explained the basis for us receiving the Grail, that received the Lords blood....so logically I would say we also receive Excalibur, the SWORD OF THE LORD. Its not THUS SAITH THE LORD, but in my opinion, its a great possibility according to the reasons I will be sharing with you hereafter

     Excalibur is the sword in the platter, or vessel. It's the archetype of all things. The male shaft into the female receptacle. Its the up ward pointing triangle, into the downward pointing triangle that makes up the hexagonal FLOWER OF LIFE, geometric shape. This being created by the Lord from the beginning of CREATION. Its the motion between them that produces the spark of life, or piezo-electric effect of science and the creation of life. Its the design of life not some kind of shape that esoterically is so called evil.

     Hexagons are not intrinsically evil or bad, 6 is not an evil number, neither is 5 and a pentagon, nor 4 and a square, neither three and a triangle. The Lord of all, Jesus created all things and shapes, as well as creating nature and life, numbers and science from the beginning. Dont be afraid of HIS DESIGN, know it and use it for His glory.

      In other words, a sword can represent male symbolism, and a bowl or vessel can represent female symbolically. They are equal although different and complimentary. Both needing each other. Neither is superior or above the other. So similarly, if we are to obtain the GRAIL of Arthurian legend and the true history of our Lord and Heavenly KING, why would we not also be graced with its complimentary sword, Excalibur. We in the Endtime are as great as the knights of old, and fighting in spirit and even in flesh at the very end as our heritage fighters. They and we are one and are of the same tribal background. We are not cowards and fearful, like the complacent church folks, but warriors for the FAITH

     SEE ..... Excaliber from the Archives
Grail sub-board

     So the question can become,  Where is Excalibur today ? Where is it hidden ?

In my opinion, the basic principle is that it is hidden in plain site. We can all within seconds via a computer, reference its possible and probable location. We can trace from history via so called myths and legends, and historical references, Excalibur's burial in the stone of Authurian Legend and truth. But first lets, go back in history to how King Arthur first received Excalibur ..... up to today's location .... in plain view.

     Agreed, yet the most powerful sword of the past, remains and shall be used by the true and righteous King of Britain. The rightful hier of Britain, meaning the rightful leader of our end time nation that flees from Jerusalem from the AC KING, is the only one that can pull it out of the stone....literally Its not theory, the stone is in Italy, which again can be traced back to the Crusades, the Templars, Mary Magdalene, etc.. the greatest story ever told, even though the church system tries to hide it...

It binds together the past, Ha, the middle ages and our end time age before the new beginning.

No odin, no horsemen, they are not a pivotal point of history and their swords are no more.. IMO...


     I shant be coy, but direct, just look up chalice and blade, and you'll find the literal pic of the sword embedded in a stone and the church system put a glass cover and built a sanctuary around it... just outside of Rome..I was going to go step by step to this conclusion and whereabouts, but lets go to the end and then backtrack through history, esoterics, prophecy, Templars, Priory of Zion, Da Vinci, etc... and see the logic and usage of Excaliber in defeating the elite dark sided ones to defeat the enemy. The foolish ones are not enlightened when they think they can enlighten the voting public to throw off those that enslave them...only the Lord of Lords through His methods and LINEAGE can find and use what the Lord has for them...

the 144,000 lead by the 2 Prophets, one male and one female


Heres a good summary of the King Arthur Grail story, they try to call it a myth, but as we can prove it holds innumerable truths and import for us in the End Time as its application now gives us our answer, and our Victory.

[link to www.timelessmyths.com

The first page (this page you are reading) is sort of introduction to the Grail. It gives a little background of the Grail. It also concerns other artefacts found in the legend (Bleeding Lance, the Broken Sword, etc), including information on the Grail Castle, Joseph of Arimathea and the Fisher King. (End of quote)

The Holy Grail became the source of the greatest quest in the Arthurian legend. The Grail was often called Sangreal, which san greal literally means “Holy Grail”. However, through arrangement of the letter “g”, sang real come to mean, “True Blood”.

(End of quote)

We have to study bloodlines and decipher BOTH genders, and come to the truth of ALL to know whom to follow and who has to prove their lineage and claim for leadership. Words will not be enough, thats for politicians and preachers, in the end TIME, we need absolute proof, and real proof of who can literally pull the blade, (Excaliber) from the stone..

Legends Of The Holy Grail Summary  The quest of the Holy Grail was considered to be the greatest adventure in the Arthurian legend. However the man...

The King Arthur Legend does grasp our hearts and thrill our minds, because it is the truth and inspires us to go beyond and SEARCH for our destinies and our Grail to find our part of our jouney, and the GREATEST STORY EVER TOLD.

They were not fictional characters, Jesus was not fiction, the truth will win in the end if we just keep marching on, and discerning His direction for us all.

They were not fictional characters, Jesus was not fiction, the truth will win in the end if we just keep marching on, and discerning His direction for us all. Hopefully towards Petra where we shall be gathered before the END, to fight til the End.