Alchemical Marriage

Red and White AlChemical Marriage

I just have always balked at the red and white tincture composition of the elxir as being, white tincture being the male ingredient of the alchemical process with the red tincture being the female component...simply because I hate blood, and the only true blood I know of, is the drinking of the symbolic Blood of Jesus... via His wine  COM-union.

And that was done in fact, once and for all when I or anyone receives JESUS as their Saviour. “There's power in the blood of Jesus, literally...... and either we shed our blood for our sins, or Jesus has shed HIS BLOOD once and for ALL TIME for us ALL, when on the cross.

Hence, the interpretation that we must consume female with male has always appalled me.... it must be a mis-interpretation IMO to throw us off.

Yes, we have to drink of the GRAIL symbolism, truth and literal CUP of the Lord, in the End Time for EMPOWERMENT, but the Grail is WHITE and not RED. It like women and their sexuality is that of the holder, the vase of Mary Magdalene, the Holy Place of the Tabernacle, the hidden place where no sun shines, and no light is needed. (SEE HALL OF RECORDS) The female ****** from her sacred divine WOMB can be a composition material or the white tincture, no dead blood.

For the living blood, the power blood is the blood of Christ that dropped into the CUP or GRAIL. That received the blood of Christ, that lasts forever and empowers us. The male component is red, and the red tincture …. even though our male ****** is white....

It is the white pillar, the white post, in the Red Serpent (Serpent Rouge Poem). For the two poles are equal, the two genders are equal, there are two columns, two olive trees, two candle stickes, TWO WITNESSES.

And yet the mystery revealed is that between them there is the third pillar, the third column between them..... the Christ hermaphrodictic, bisexual, column, as shown in the *******. The central pillar that includes both and incorporates ALL and both.

The white post or pillar of the temple is Jachin, male. It is on the NORTH Whereas the black post is female called Boaz. It is on the SOUTH.

As all true temples, and tabernacles and holy sites are aligned to the East, facing the East, facing the rising Sun/SON

This is one reason why Mary Magdalene was called the Black Madonna, or colored Madonna.

For She corresponds to the Holy Spirit, the Rauch of God, who is equal to the Father who is Male...because she is feminine and female. The central pillar or product of the two, as mentioned being CHRIST...three in ONE and all EQUAL.

So in the solution of the Serpent Rouge, and the hiding of the Grail, and the treasures of the Christian Templars ...  (of Solomons Treasure from the Jerusalem 1st Temple)

Scrolled down to the Capricorn or final interpretation the Solar Slendor pic, helps sort out many details... see below

"Depicts a Queen with angels' wings - and most gorgeously dressed. She has a golden crown and neck ornament, with golden chains, yellow sleeves and flowing. Skirt of dress ornamented with a flowing green foliage pattern and red and blue flowers. From her left shoulder hangs a blue drapery with gold edges her slippers are red and gold. In her hand she holds a crimson robe edged with gold, which she is holding out to a naked black man who is standing to the knees in a black mud pool. His left arm is white and slightly soiled. His right arm, neck and head is blood red. He holds his right hand over his right thigh towards and as if to cover his nakedness. He stands with right side towards us and on the profile is seen a circular transparent glass globe, just covering head all but profile, through this globe are to be seen on the organ of Self-esteem, the right cheek bone, and over the right eye, three luminous spots, in each of which is seen a small red cross. The Queen seems to be encouraging and sympathysing with him. A landscape with a lake is seen in the distance. Village, roadway with a few distant people walking and boat sailing on the lake, with islands in the extreme distance." (Splendor Solis, The Eighth Picture)

"Whereupon the greatest part, and even I myself, despaired of redemption, and called upon God that he would have pity on us, and (if possible) deliver us out of this obscurity; who then also heard some of us."
(Chymical Wedding, First Day, p.7)
(End of excerpt)

The queen is the Holy Spirit, the male is our End Time King descendant of King David of Old...... and she lifts him out of the mire into his end time KINGSHIP and position as the male pillar, or MALE ENDTIME WITNESS.
The alchemical wedding, (Chymical Wedding) is the mating of male and female Pillars

SEE Trixies Erotic Dream of Dancing Bread at of the three loafs.... but first the two unite, in UNION.. before the broken (Christ) joins in or is produced..

The fire is red, the blood within us is the fire of the chemical process. It is the oxidation or bruning within that empowers us. After releasing its energy it turns blue in our veins, until re-charged through our capillaries in our lungs with more oxygen that restarts and keeps our fire (or temperature) going.

Red tincture is white semen, living vital and alive, whereas the grail or white tincutre is surely the female component of her clear ejaculate......

Red and white within the fire of production, expelled to be swallowed into the new fires withus us.
But only working if the donors are pure, or purely His, and then I suggest that His is very white, and hers very clear...... grey in either case may not be appropriate or potent...

"Rescue me from the mire before I sink in;
So I shall be saved from those who hate me,
From the watery depths.
Let not the waves wash over me,
Nor the deep swallow me up,
Nor the pit close its mouth on me."
(Bible, Psalms, 69:14)